Signs That You Are Already A Successful Person

The main signs that prove you are a successful person in your life, and that you are going to achieve all of your goals.

Jojo Geller
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readSep 5, 2020


Source: jcomp on

There are days when we feel like an absolute failure, and this is a normal feeling when things don’t go as we expect them to go. The results of your struggle might not be visible, but when you get this feeling, it is impossible to think that you are a successful person, even if some of your accomplished successes haven’t been categorized under money or fame, there are still some signs that we always overlook, although they can mean that we are more successful than we think. I will share with you here the most important signs that show that you are a successful person.

You like to help others

Give and take is a revolutionary approach to follow for achieving success, we can refer to Adam Grant as he said “the more I help out, the more successful I become”. You can measure your success with what you have already done to help the people around you, it is the real accolade. Success isn’t only about earning so much money or building a reputation, it is about giving the best help you can for people around you, or to change someone’s life, because the success is associated with contributing value to others.

When you look to the most successful men of today, you will find out that they have created solutions to help in solving many global problems, and this is the real difference between the entrepreneur and the businessman, which is that the entrepreneur tries to add value to humanity, while the businessman tries to gather as much money as he can to feed his family. This is the main reason why entrepreneurs tend to be more successful than businessmen. So, if your goal in life isn’t just to gather money, and you seek adding value to other people, then you are a successful person already.

You have an open mind

Many people believe in the law of attraction, and their number is increasing on a daily basis. You have to have an open mind when you work using the law of attraction, it makes you believe in yourself, and believe that you can reach anything you thought it was impossible. Open-minded people are the people who are ready always to learn more, and to listen to others, while close-minded people tend to be narcissists, and have fixed mindsets that are hard to change, they even like to make myopic statements rather than asking smart questions. Very successful people have the attribute of the ability to see things from many angels not only from their perspective. So, if you are an open-minded person, be sure that you are a successful person.

You value your time and other people's time

Wasting resources is the worst thing people can do, and time is a very important recourse and it can’t be gained back. A successful person would value his time, and other people's time also. So, if you wake up early, don’t agree on meetings that you can’t attend, and you are always first in everything beneficial to you, then you are a successful person.

You are self-disciplined

Self-discipline is the crown of success, and it means the ability to control yourself, emotions, behavior, and reactions. It allows you to forego gratification in favor of gaining in the long run. If you weren’t successful in something you aimed to achieve, that doesn’t mean you lack intelligence, but you might lack the resources that will help you to succeed. However, they are short in the crucial aspect of life. You may have what it takes to succeed, but if you don’t have self-discipline, then you are wasting all the resources you have. Many people think that reaching the top is the hardest part of the journey, in fact keeping your position at the top is harder, and it can be only achieved via discipline because it also shows that you are capable enough to handle the success you achieved.

You always have a plan

There is a huge difference between the wish and the goal, which is that the wish is just a dream or an intention without a plan, but the goal is a planned dream. All people can do wishes, but only successful people can plan, they don’t just make wishes without knowing where they come from, instead, they set goals on strong grounds, and follow a plan to achieve it. Success can’t be achieved from uncoordinated actions, it is in fact a result of long term planning and consistency. If you have a goal and planned a framework to follow to achieve this goal, then you are a very successful person.

You don’t blame others for your own mistakes

No successful person will ever blame everyone in his/her life for what they have become. If Oprah Winfrey blamed her parents for the difficulties she faced during her childhood, she wouldn’t be a billionaire host or a successful person, and if Hellen Keller blamed god for being blind and deaf she wouldn’t have her name mentioned in history for being the first deaf-blind to earn the bachelor of art degree. Blaming has been an approach that is followed by the youth of this generation, they spend most of their energy complaining about how bad their lives are, they can condiment the government and justify their illicit actions and practices, instead of directing this energy to make a better life for themselves. It is really easy to point an accusing finger to anything and anyone. So, if you stand out of the “blame game”, then you are already a successful person.

You hang out with successful people

In all my business and mindest articles, I always talk about the importance of friends and peers, because they have a great effect on what we have become today. You have to associate yourself with people of good quality, and it is always better to be alone than to be in a bad company. You have to evaluate quickly what type of friends you surround yourself with, start with your 5 closest friends because you are the average of the people who surround you, researches found that if your friends smoke, you are 61% likely to be a smoker too. The kind of peers you have can define how your life will be. So, if you are surrounded by successful people, you are more likely to be successful yourself.

You have a positive mindset

When you think about something that can make you happy, your brain starts releasing what is called “endorphins” that help you to feel better, and as a result, you develop a positive attitude and mindset, which are essential for success. You can judge yourself when you look at a glass of water, do you think that it is a half-filled glass of water or half-empty? If your answer was the first option, then you have a very positive mind, and you are a positive person who is already successful.

Mindfulness observing

We all have met the talented person who hasn’t found success yet, and we always thought about the reason why they aren’t so successful with this much talent they have. Well, the reason for this is because this person's brain might not be functioning optimally. Mindfulness is a shift from just thinking of being aware of what we are thinking, this subtle shift allows us to judge our thinking objectively, and to have a better awareness of what we are doing. Once you have enough mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present to touch the blesses of life that are available right in front of your eyes. Many people drag themselves down with other people's achievements, you have to learn to understand your life journey. Being conscious of your thoughts might seem like a very easy thing to do, however, it is not as easy as it sounds. Not many people have the mindfulness observation of their thoughts, so if you are one of the few who can do this, then you are already a successful person.

If you liked this article, and want to learn more about mindsets, relationships, achieving goals, and how to live happier, you can refer to my other articles!



Jojo Geller
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Hello, I am Jojo, an ambitious writer, reader, and translator, writing and reading are my passion, not my work, I like to know more and spread the knowledge!