Sit Still, Look Pretty
Why being polite is a woman’s enemy.
Ladies, has this ever happened to you? You don’t want to appear as a bad listener or impolite, so you let someone drone on forever? This is often the curse of being a woman. We are conditioned and expected to be ever so polite, nice, look pretty, but not *too* pretty so that you attract the *wrong* kind of attention, meek, caring, and nurturing.
I recently scheduled a free 30-minute life coaching session with a successful, well-known male life coach. During our 30-minutes, he talked for about 2/3 of the call. Towards the end, he talked for what seemed like ten minutes straight, peppering me with questions, but not even allowing me the chance to answer.
As a woman in the U.S. who was born, raised and still resides in the Midwest, there is an especially strong cultural expectation and value system to be polite at all times, even at your own expense. We even have our own funny idiosyncrasies such as when you bump into someone, “Oop sorry,” is basically my state’s unofficial catchphrase. With that being said, the ultimate sin of impoliteness is to interrupt someone else while speaking, whether they are male or female.
I pride myself on not interrupting people when they speak or being a good listener. However, this is a curse and a blessing because not everyone sees it from this perspective; especially some men who seem to take up *ALL* the space and need to have the last word.
Being more assertive and embracing my inner bad bitch is legit what I put on both my goals and vision board for 2020. I have been getting better at this in work situations, but it is still a struggle. I struggle with speaking up, interrupting, and not getting anxious and/or upset when I am too shy to vocalize my thoughts.
Ladies, how many times have you suppressed your inner thoughts and stopped yourself from speaking up in work meetings for fear of appearing impolite or interrupting someone else? With your family? With your partner? Friends?
I know you may have read that and audibly sighed, “Ugh, I have totally done this more than I would like to admit.”
That is totally ok. This isn’t meant to shame or guilt you about it, but to make all of us women more aware and to encourage us to collectively agree to speak up even if it involves *GASP* interrupting! Go on with your bad self, be more assertive, and embrace your inner bad bitch!