Sitting and Snacking

These will wreck your body and health. Here’s how

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Roberto Nickerson from

Sitting and Snacking. Two of the evils ushered in along with the arrival of COVID and people being relegated to working from home.

Here’s why it’s important to change these two life habits as soon as possible that you’ve likely adapted (I sure did) during COVID.


The human body is not meant to sit for hours every day. We are not built to stay in the same position for long stretches of time. This is terrible for our muscles and blood flow. A likely fast track to weak muscles, a flabby butt and thighs, and potential blood clot issues is to spend a lot of your day sitting or moving minimally.

The human body is meant to move frequently and throughout most of the day. Walking, even jogging, jumping, striding, standing some, though with very minimal sitting. Humans originally spent much of their time doing a variety of movements (hunting, gathering, tending to children, building things, etc). Sitting around all day in front of computers is a relatively new thing over the last few decades, and it’s terrible for our health, physical and mental.

