Step-Up Affirmations For Wealth

When saying “I am super wealthy” feels like a lie.

Wendy Tomlinson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Before we start

Before you say any affirmations for wealth I encourage you to get super clear about what wealth means to you personally.

When I typed in wealth to find an image for this story I saw what society says wealth is.

  • People wearing expensive-looking clothes, drinking champagne, really expensive cars, big luxury homes, yachts… You get the idea.

That’s NOT what wealth looks like for me.

I want clothes I like regardless of how much they cost, I’d rather have a milkshake than champagne, I do like a nice car but it doesn’t need to be one of those society classes as being owned by wealthy people, I want a home I love and enjoy being in, beach holidays are a yes but a yacht it not needed…

Question. How would your life need to change for you to feel wealthy?

I encourage you to write this down.

Please note that this is not fixed.

For example, someone who is homeless and with just a few pounds left to buy food and drink would likely feel wealthy if they had a safe and comfortable small flat to live in and enough money to pay their rent and buy some food for the week.



Wendy Tomlinson
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Mindset Coach - Law of Attraction, EFT, Affirmations, Goals and more. A real person hoping to make your day a little better.