Stop Building Habits In 2023

In this, you’ll find why you’re struggling to build habits

Yash Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

If you’re the one who focuses on building habits that’s good but make sure you would stick to those for a lifetime. What’s the catch if you are doing it for a few months?

Is this going to make any difference? Yeah but, what about when you quit?

So, stop focusing on doing things for a short period of time. Run them along the journey of life. That’s what gonna help you accomplish your goals faster than you ever thought.

What do you think?

In this blog, you’ll learn why you should stop focusing on building habits.

Here it is…

Habits Can be Break Easily

99% of people: I am on a diet for a month, I have a goal to lift the weight for two months.

What about after a month or two?

Would you carry on with the momentum? Or would you quit?

Setting goals for the short term is ok but this is not going to make you a better person if you quit in between.

The people who are obsessed with growth understand what they want and then they make it part of their routine. It helps to minimize decision fatigue

If you come in the 99% category that seems:

  • You are not fully committed.
  • You are scared to take bold steps.
  • You are enjoying your comfort zone.

So, be a person who sticks with habits for a lifetime, where there is no point of return. It will help you grow 10X faster than average people.

If you know lifting weight for 1 hour helps you build muscle make it part of your routine. And whatever habit you think you want in your routine, schedule it in your calendar and mark it as non-negotiable.

With this approach:

  • You commit yourself 100%.
  • You set clear intentions about what you want to do.
  • Your brain processes things easily.

Be obsessed with making your future self bigger and stop settling for lesser goals.

Choose wisely.

#Final Thoughts

Use the above method to build habits that actually make sense.

If you’re serious about changing your current self. There is no better method to commit yourself fully to habits that help you become the person you’ve desired for years.

It helps your mind to clear out junk information. You are able to feel in control of yourself as you minimize the decision fatigue by setting clear intentions for your future self.

You become laser-focused and there will be fewer distractions.

Choose carefully.



Yash Sharma
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

23 years old | Helping you overcome fears, make consistent improvements, and accomplish goals 10X faster.