Stop Chasing and Look At Yourself


You’re stuck in a rut again. Chasing after someone who clearly isn’t interested in you. Maybe they’re emotionally unavailable, unwilling to commit, or have flat-out told you that they don’t want anything more than a casual fling, and yet you’re hanging on. Hoping that one day they choose you despite the fact all the red flags say otherwise. They cancel plans, they ignore your messages, rarely reach out, or if they do, only when it’s on their terms. They’re inconsistent, gaslight you, tell you they like you one moment but fail to follow through with any real action the next. All in all, you’re confused, tired, and doubting yourself but still, refuse to let go.

Most of us have felt the discomfort of the experience above. Of holding out hope for someone who gives us no reason to do so. Yet we feel compelled to keep reaching out. To keep chasing.

It can be easy to spend our time hyperfocused on the other person. To overthink, ruminate, and contemplate why they act the way they do, or why you’re not enough for them. Our new home becomes their perspective and with good reason. Someone’s treating you unfairly, that’s reason to want to know why.

This article today is in no way to invalidate our experience of being mistreated but instead to ask ourselves why we’re putting up with it. It can be easy to place ourselves under the light of…



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.