Stop the Constant Stressful Mornings With This Simple 15-Minute Zen Technique

Find balance in no time

J.R. Flaherty
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Rich Smith on Unsplash

If you think relentless self-pressure is the secret to success, read on. This perspective can actually do more harm than good.

For two years, I lived with a flatmate in Paris who was a testament to the damaging effects of morning stress. She loathed mornings — every morning, not just Mondays. The routine was always the same: a scowl, the squeeze of her orange juice, and an air of tension until she finally left the apartment.

The moment she slammed the door, my own frantic day began. Rushing to drink my coffee, I’d sprint out the door, already frazzled before my work even started. Living like this, under constant pressure from the moment I woke up, was exhausting.

After enduring this stressful start day after day, I realized something had to change. At the time, I didn’t know then how transformative that decision would be.

The value of fifteen extra minutes

We often underestimate the power of a few extra minutes. Giving yourself just fifteen more minutes extra time in the morning can dramatically reduce the pressure you put on yourself.

