Stop, You Won't be Happy

A Mindset That is Ruining Your Life.

Rufat Rassulov
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Almost everyone has a dream, even if it's not a specific one.

“Let me grind a bit, get up the ladder, make enough money, buy two cars and a home for my family, then I can finally relax and be happy”

Familiar, right? Every person has different dreams, but a lot of us at least once in our lives thought about how satisfying it would be to “buy that car”, or “live that life”.

Time passes, you get the salary you wanted…and a car…and a house. You feel dopamine filling you up as never before.

Time passes, you get that the house is actually too big to clean, a newer model of your car came out just a week ago. You come back from heaven.

Your friends are surprised by how cool your car is and how lucky you are to have it. You don't feel them, because now it's just a normal thing for you.

Then you start to think about your long desired dream, was it too small? Was it actually a dream? Maybe I should dream bigger? Should I earn more money?

This is called the Hedonic Treadmill.

This theory was first presented in 1971 by Philip Brickman and Donald T. Campbell. It…

