Suddenly You Just Know It’s Time To Start Again

Every ending is a new beginning

Esther George
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Riccardo Bresciani from Pexels

The start of a new year is the perfect time to start over, to turn over a new leaf, and to begin on a new page. This is the perfect time to hit the pause button, breathe, and go at it again. You can never go back, but you can always restart.

It can be challenging to let go of our history and memories because that’s what gives us our identity. They made us who we are today. Once the people and the experiences have served their purpose, they are meant to fall away, giving us room to breathe and to expand into something new.

In so many ways, goodbyes are really hellos to something that is more expansive. When everything seems to go wrong and life no longer makes sense, that’s an indication that a change is required.

You enter into a period where the old life has gone but there’s no sense of the new yet. That can be a dreary place. You would either stay there for a longer time or move quickly and step into the new zone.

This is when the tears have stopped flowing, the wound stopped bleeding and the storm has ceased. This is when you take your first mindful deep breath in a long time. You’re still. You’re quiet. You’re waiting for something to happen.



Esther George
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer • Dreamer • Storyteller • She writes about discovering and living your best life now because life is truly what you make it.