Sugar & Me: A Long Risky Love Affair

Fighting insatiable cravings for processed foods left behind in a battle for my life against a killer, Diabetes.

Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image By Schreib-Engel on Pixabay

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb

It’s past time for bed, yet there is a incessant growling in my stomach. My whole body remembers the joyful jolt of a big bowl of Lucky Charms. I crave one now, it is this craving that inspired the beginning of this story.

A Little History First

My journey with carbohydrates and sugar started over 5 decades ago in the Dust Bowl. We had bread at almost every meal and there was a big bowl of sugar on the dining table.

My Mom loved to bake wonderful treats, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Brownies along with many other varieties of sweet snacks. On the weekends, Sister and I were up earlier than Mom and Dad giving us time watch cartoons and lay on the living room floor. I would get into the pantry and sneak out a handful of chocolate chips to eat while watching cartoons.

We ate lots of Noodles, and Potatoes by the sack. My Mom did her best to offer Meat and Vegetables as well, I begrudgingly forced down many a Brussels Sprout and too much Cauliflower.



Christopher Boswell
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Owner | Creator | Photographer | Writer | Risk Taker | Arranging text & images for fun. CREATIVITY saved my life!