The 10 Healthiest Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking For 30 Days (or Longer)

Excessive drinking can have disastrous consequences on your health as well as your relationships


Foto door Helena Lopes:

Let’s face it: drinking alcohol is fun. It makes you feel good and it helps you loosen up and have fun with your friends and family.

However, there’s also no denying that excessive drinking can have disastrous consequences on your health as well as your relationships with others.

If you drink too much, you’re significantly more likely to develop serious diseases like liver disease or heart disease — not to mention the fact that even moderate drinking can cause problems such as car accidents or memory loss!

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy while still enjoying yourself at parties or other social gatherings where alcohol is present…and one of them is simply limiting how much alcohol you drink in any given month or year!

1. You see the world in a whole new way

When you stop drinking, your senses become more acute. You can take in more of the world around you and concentrate better on the things that matter.



Ryan Trincieri 🖋️
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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