The 10 Most Popular Eckhart Tolle Quotes Explained

Plus 10 simple powerful, actionable steps for more happiness.

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Change Your Mind Change Your Life


The Best 10 Eckhart Tolle Quotes Explained For You With 10 Simple Actionable Steps You Can Take Immediately For More Happiness.
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It’s easy to be present when life is good and much harder when life gets tough.

I was doing so well.

Being present during the majority of the day, only checking my phone during scheduled times (max 1,5 hours/day).

Life was great until my 19-month-old toddler started vomiting and having diarrhea for 3 days.

Sleepless nights and tough days made me wanna switch off. I just wanted to grab my phone and scroll on Instagram to take a 5-minute break.

I couldn’t stay present for a long time because I was exhausted. That’s no excuse to switch on autopilot — I know.

We can’t just switch off during the unpleasant ones.

Embracing all our emotions we realize what a privilege it is to be alive and feel so deeply. As Willard Gaylin says ‘Any feeling is a reminder of life. The worst ‘feeling’ evidently is non-feeling.’

On day two, I put myself together reminding myself of the power of the present moment with these Eckhart Tolle quotes.

I hope they will help you too when all you want is to switch off.



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