The 7 laws of good friendship

How to win and keep real friends

Simon Ternyik
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


You cannot buy loyalty. You cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds and souls. You have to earn these things (Clarence Francis)

Photo by Jorge Flores on Unsplash

What would this life be without good friends? We have limited time in this world. Therefore we should choose exactly which people we want to spend time with.

In my life, many people have come and gone, but real friends are staying. In good times as well as in bad. A few years ago I found a fitting saying on a postcard: “Good friendship is like an open door. Sometimes it creaks, but it never stays closed!”

That’s what it is! I am infinitely grateful for my deep friendships, which I cultivate and intensify over the decades. Real friends are one of the most essential things in life, and they are an incredible treasure to guard.

“The music may sucks here, but with my people here it’s a cool party!” How many times have we said this sentence while celebrating? And how good does it feel to talk to your best friend about your feelings and serious, important topics? Who will lend you an attentive ear in the most lonely hours and accept you as you are? Who will put a smile on your face when you see him or her coming from afar? Who talks to you about the profound themes in life? To whom can you entrust everything that…



Simon Ternyik
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author, entrepreneur, social worker and manager of social and health services M.A. Writes about happiness, personal development, wealth, start-ups and stocks.