The Ability to ‘Flex’ Priorities Will Make You Massively Happy

How to go along with the natural flow of life

Devin Arrigo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Life is cruel sometimes.

It has no manners. No common courtesy. And it disobeys every social rule in the book.

One minute you’re relaxing on the beach, enjoying some much needed time off after a crazy couple of months. And the next you’re stressed, depressed, and dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Life is anything but easy. There are going to be ‘ups’ and there will also be a lot of ‘downs’.

That said, trying to avoid the low points defeats the entire purpose of this thing we call life.

The ‘downs’ are what make the ‘ups’ that much sweeter.

Instead of trying to avoid the crappy situations, we need to accept them. Learn from the ‘downs’ and enjoy the ‘ups’. Developing the ability to flex your priorities will help you weather the storm and get back to enjoying your life.

How to Cultivate the Ability to ‘Flex’ Your Priorities and Weather the Storm

This past week has been the busiest of 2020.



Devin Arrigo
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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