The Art of Saying No: A Guide to Self-Love in Modern Times

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

The self-love movement seems to be keen on extra softness.

Take that bath, no you don’t need to push yourself, relax, it’s ok to cancel your commitments, take it easy, you deserve it!

Don’t get me wrong: I don’t believe in stressing ourselves out and hustling to get a bunch of things done. Harsh language, aggressiveness, and negative self-talk are not love.

Yet the other extreme is also not true: love is not always soft, accepting, and allowing everything to just be and let go. It is not loving to allow ourselves to step in our best interests, not take challenges, and eternally be short-sighted and cope with life.

Sometimes, it is loving to get a massage, and, other times, it is loving to go work nonstop on that dream of yours.

Which brings the question:
What is self-love?

What Is Self-Love?

As the term self-love has gained massive attention, its meaning seems to be inclined toward grooming and cutting ourselves slack. It’s not like well-being has no role to play, but is this really it?

What if self-love was the exact opposite: because you dream about writing that book, you go and…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
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