The Beginner’s Guide to Virtue

Ancient Stoic wisdom for greatness in any domain or craft

Trevor Huffman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I was dreaming of the NBA as a teenager when I first heard the term “greatness.”

“If you want greatness, true greatness, in basketball, you gotta use your time and energy in ways that other players won’t.”

“But what if I want to be like Magic and Bird and MJ?” I asked.

My dad pondered my question, his balled fist resting on his chin like a modern-day Socrates.

“Is that how great you want to be?” he asked quietly.

“I think the NBA would be the ultimate goal,” I said, smiling. “But I know how hard it is, especially being from a small town in Northern Michigan.”

“You know less than one percent of every basketball kid in the world makes it to that level. How will you reach your potential in your craft? Will you practice like the one percent or the other ninety-nine?” my dad asked.

Being a naive teenager, I waited for a meaningful answer to come. I wasn’t sure, but I knew deep down he was right. I had to sacrifice and suffer for something to build my most meaningful craft.



Trevor Huffman
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Hi. I'm Trevor. I write about egoless living relative to sports, business, leadership, and fitness. Subscribe today.