The Benefits of Quitting Coffee

And how I’m doing it….

Rosa Diaz-Casal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readSep 13, 2024


Photo by Arshad Sutar:

During my years of working at an office, I admit I was powered by coffee.

I used to get out of bed to make coffee just so I can make my bed and start the day. I fueled myself with coffee throughout the day and agreed with several other coworkers that I couldn’t make it through the day without it.

Years later, when I was going through menopause, I realized I was becoming dependent on coffee. Also, I noticed I had anxiety more often and my sleep was deteriorating. This wasn’t just about menopause. It was time for a lifestyle change.

It took minimal research to realize that I needed to cut back on the coffee.

Because coffee is a stimulant, it can disrupt sleep — especially if it’s consumed in the afternoon or evening. I found it easier to fall and stay asleep if I didn’t have coffee during that time.

I don’t consider myself one of those people who are prone to anxiety, but I found that coffee was stimulating my nervous system, resulting in increased heart rate, sweaty palms and irritability. Although I haven’t completely quit coffee yet, I’ve already noticed a decrease in these symptoms.

I’ve known several people that suffer from acid reflux. Some have even taken prescription medications for it for many…



Rosa Diaz-Casal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A human being with mistakes and history sharing practical wisdom. Deeply curious, adventourist and observant student of life.