The Crazy’s Getting Crazier But Hang On!

It might just be the November Planetary Energies.

Michelle Monet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Almost everyone I know seems to be feeling ‘weary’.

So many of my friends have used the word ‘weary’ to describe their mood lately. Weariness seems to be a theme I’m hearing and seeing a lot.

My therapist even sighed the other day, “Oh Michelle this month is just INTENSE! The energies of restlessness and weariness are off the charts. Just hang on.” She laughed, “Don’t do anything rash or make any major decisions until December (or 2020) when this November intensity wears off!”

OOOOO Ok. ha-ha.

I’ve definitely been feeling an intense weary energy in November. Aren’t you?

My guess is that it is a combination of the impeachment insanity, the stress of upcoming holidays, Global Warming issues and school shootings, etc.

They all combine to make us feel a collective weariness.

I even noticed the number of articles online (and on Medium) that seem to have similar themes of weariness — being worn out, wanting a break or wanting to hide under a blanket!

(My weariness led me to do another Facebook Fast so I could totally shut off the noisiness in my life. I’m thinking…



Michelle Monet
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Musician. Author. Poet. Seeker. Currently writing Showbiz Memoir and Broadway style Musical. My 5 books are on Amazon. Contact: