The Don’ts of a Pleasing Personality

15 traits to avoid so you can become more pleasant

Harrys Stratigakis
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


This piece is part 3 of the series “How to Get People to Like You”

Photo by Channey Tang-Ho on Unsplash

As was done in the previous pieces, we will focus on Napoleon Hill’s studies on human nature to conclude what needs to be done to become a pleasant person.

To get this personality right, you have to understand that it’s not limited to what you can do to be more pleasant; you also need to know about the things that are to be avoided at all costs.

In this following article, we will talk about the negative traits someone can possess that impair the development of a pleasing personality, derived again from Napoleon Hill’s “Success Habits”.

1. Breaking in When Others Are Speaking

First off, a human characteristic that gets on most people’s nerves is interrupting someone whilst speaking.

This for one goes oppositely on the common courtesy trait as it feels impolite to interrupt someone while they’re making their point, meaning that you aren’t paying attention to what they are talking about.

Moreover, breaking in usually makes others interpret you as someone who can’t “read the room” since you will seem more interested in yourself.



Harrys Stratigakis
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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