The Easy Way to Achieve Your Goals

A No-BS Guide: Effortlessly Turning Your Goals into Your Reality

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJun 6, 2023


So, you’ve got some goals, right? Lofty ambitions and high-flying dreams that you want to achieve.

Whether it’s starting a successful business, writing that long-awaited book, shedding those extra pounds, or becoming a virtuoso on the guitar, we all have ambitions that we hope to achieve one day.

But let’s cut to the chase. How’s that going for you?

If you’re like most people, I bet your progress has been slow, if not nonexistent.

You’ve tried multiple times and made a little headway, but then life got in the way. Setbacks occurred, motivation dwindled, and soon enough, you were back at square one.

Does this scenario sound all too familiar?

I bet it does because I’ve been there myself. And that’s okay!

It’s easy to get swept away by the whirlwind of daily life and forget about our big, life-changing goals. But it’s high time we stop making excuses and start making strides.

But how?” you ask.

Well, buckle up. I’m about to give you the no-BS, straight-to-the-point guide to achieving your goals — effortlessly.

And no, this isn’t about tricking yourself or relying on some magic formula. It’s about changing your approach and tweaking your mindset.

Are you ready?

1. Set Goals That Truly Matter

First off, make sure your goals matter — to you.

I’m not talking about what society deems worthy, or what your parents, friends, or peers think you should aim for. No, I’m talking about what lights a fire under your butt and makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.

Your goals should be a reflection of your passion, your values, and what you genuinely want in life.

When your goals are aligned with who you are, you’re naturally inclined to work harder and smarter to achieve them.

2. Break it Down

Big, audacious goals can be daunting.

They stare at you, like a mountain peak obscured by clouds, and make you think, “How the heck am I supposed to get up there?”

The answer is simple: One step at a time.

Don’t just look at the top, start with the base. Break down your large goal into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Instead of vowing to write a 300-page novel, commit to writing a page a day. Instead of trying to lose 50 pounds in a couple of months, aim for a pound per week.

Smaller goals are less intimidating, easier to track, and give you a sense of achievement and momentum.

3. Embrace the Power of Consistency

Let’s be real here: Success isn’t glamorous. It isn’t about grand gestures, massive leaps, or revolutionary changes.

It’s about showing up every single day and doing the work, even when you don’t feel like it. It’s about consistency.

Consider your goal as a massive stone block that you’re trying to carve into a sculpture.

Each day, you chip away a tiny piece. It may not seem like much at first, but over time, those tiny pieces add up, and your sculpture begins to take shape.

4. Prepare for Setbacks

Newsflash: Things won’t always go as planned.

You will face obstacles. You will falter. And that’s perfectly okay.

What’s not okay, however, is letting those setbacks derail your journey.

Understand that setbacks are a part of the process. When you encounter them, don’t beat yourself up.

Instead, take a moment to reassess, re-adjust, and recommit to your goals.

As the old saying goes, when you fall off the horse, you have to get back on. Or in our case, when life throws you off track, you gotta hop back on that goal-achieving train!

5. Celebrate the Wins (most important)

Often, we become so focused on the end goal that we forget to acknowledge our progress along the way. Celebrate your small victories.

Whether it’s sticking to your writing schedule for a week, shedding that first pound, or playing a tune correctly on your guitar, take a moment to pat yourself on the back.

Celebrating the small wins not only boosts your morale but also reinforces the behavior that leads to success.

It’s a reminder that you’re on the right track, and even though you’re not at your destination yet, you’re making progress.

Final Thought

Let’s be honest, there isn’t an easy button for achieving your goals. It requires effort, persistence, and a whole lot of grit.

But by setting the right goals, breaking them down into manageable chunks, staying consistent, preparing for setbacks, and celebrating your progress, you can certainly make the journey a heck of a lot smoother and more enjoyable.

Remember, you’re capable of more than you think.

The path to your goals may be long and winding, but every step, every stumble, and every victory is part of your growth and journey.

So, roll up your sleeves, put on your game face, and let’s start turning those goals into your reality.

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