The Energetic Imbalance Between Low Self-Worth and Unhealthy Relationships

Finding Balance For Healthy Attractions


Photograph by Jeremy Perkins on Pexels

All of us have an energetic frequency that we give out to the world which differs moment to moment, and day to day. It comes in the form of our body language, our words, and our actions — all determined by our inner worlds that are unique in their own language, beliefs, and histories.

Whilst the concept of “energy” can be a bit too much for some when it comes to personal growth, it’s not unrealistic to assume that we are pulled towards some people rather than others, and can be impacted by their presence. Think of the person you interact with who’s in a bad mood and alters yours, for example. Someone else may not even speak to you, but impact you in the subtle way they carry themselves or look at you.

What’s always interested me is the interplay between low self-worth and our desires of attraction. Why is it that individuals with low self-worth are at a higher risk of falling into unhealthy relationships? It’s as if the there’s a pull of sorts that entices us into the arms of mild boundary crossing — best cases — and full on abuse at worst.

I wanted to take today’s article to talk about this.

What Goes Down Must Come Up



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.