The Existential Dread — We Did Not Expect This and Yet We Did

Hannes Grauweihler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readMar 2, 2023


[image by author]

This was our idea

It seemed all so easy before coming here, did it not? Remember how we placed bets? As soon as humans will be around, they will just turn to nature and turn the whole planet into Garden Eden, some of us said. Well, I admit it. I was part of them.

The pessimists thought we would annihilate ourselves one way or another. The main question was whether we would take the rest of the animal and/or plant life with us.

At this stage, we can gladly say we are somewhere in the middle. And while yes, there is still a very decent chance of us wiping out ourselves and a more or less large proportion of the life on this planet, there is also a chance we will listen to our higher instincts and turn to nature and understanding after all.

Why all the badisms?

The thing that surprises me most is the racism and sexism aspect of it. I mean, how long can we close our eyes to the obvious realisation that all of us are born equal? No matter where you are born, what the colour of your skin is and which gender? That is how we designed all of this after all. We made a huge effort not to create inbuilt preferences for a specific race or gender or nation or whatever.



Hannes Grauweihler
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Surfing, Finance, Career, Startups, Venture-Capital and some other things I got to experience.