The Final Thief of Happiness: Comfort

Jennifer Pierce
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
6 min readOct 26, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Comfort is the final thief of happiness in our series.

As a reminder, the Five Thieves of Happiness are five harmful thought patterns that prevent us from living a joyful life. These destructive patterns cause us to stand in the way of our happiness and prevent us from leading a fulfilled life.

Dr. Izzo, who coined the term “Five Thieves of Happiness,” argues that to find true joy, we need to learn how to identify and “lockout” these thieves by rebuilding our thought patterns and living a more thoughtful, compassionate, and happier life.

The Five Thieves of Happiness are control, conceit, comparison, consumption, and comfort. We’ve already introduced the first four of the Five Thieves of Happiness; you can read about them below:





Are You Getting Too Comfortable?

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

The vast majority of humans have become conditioned to expect a certain level of comfort everywhere we go. We’ve come to expect functioning A/C in the summer and heating in the winter. We often take for granted food, water, and shelter. We have running water, indoor plumbing, and a full…

