The Garden in A Skull

is how I imagine a beautifully shaped mind

Rosie Sha
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
2 min readMay 27, 2024


Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Do you think it's possible to enter Paradise while we are in this world?

I think it’s possible with the right mindset.

Our brain is composed of neurons that look like branches of a tree. Every input will decide how those branches going to take shape. They either turn into trees to bear fruit one day or useless weeds that harm everything.

Are you aware of the input you receive? Everything you read or watch, and every person you interact with drops a seed in your Garden, don’t they?

Deliberately choosing the food for our mind will always work in our favor. Let’s say today I watched the news about a shooting that happened at a school somewhere in the world. Starting my day with this kind of content will poison my brain with hopelessness against humanity and the future.

Does bad news affect your thoughts and mood in the same way?

If I spend an hour with a complaining person, I come home in such an easily irritable state that I color the house's atmosphere with my greyness.

Even though I love Khaled Hosseini’s storytelling, his books leave me in mental and emotional pain.

By all these, I don’t mean to get rid of the colors except pink.

I mean to be aware of the thoughts you generate in your head by controlling what you receive. Don’t be afraid of FOMO. It’s OK to be selective. Don’t consume negative information if it doesn’t benefit you.

It’s fine to be picky with friends you accept in your life. After all, you are the sum of 5 people in your life.

For a beautiful and peaceful paradise in your head, try this habit for a week: When you open your eyes, visualize a garden in your mind. Water it with gratitude.

Fill your heart with happiness for being alive and get excited for the day.

Take your favorite book or healthy content on media to energize you. Shape those branches in your head in the most favorable way. Have some time to take care of your Garden before you embark on the busyness of the day.

Trust me it’s possible to create a mental paradise in this unfair world no matter how your conditions are. If people in worse circumstances in the past could do it, you can do it in today’s world.

How would you achieve your Paradise?

I’d love to read your comments and have a safe space for mindful discussion.

I write to ‘shrink’ the issues on this life journey where spirituality and mindfulness introspect with overall well-being.

Follow and join me on this rewarding and captivating inner-work therapy.



Rosie Sha
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

A teacher, linguist and translator, who's also a spiritual soul and holistic health care advocate. I write about inner work therapy for our holistic wellbeing.