The Gen X’er Everyone Hates at Work Has Unrivalled Work Ethic. I Like Him [a Lot].

His nicknames include ‘Bulldozer’, ‘Arsehole’, and more recently, ‘Inhuman’. Well, well.

Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A guy looking serious with arms folded.
Yeah, he is one serious guy. Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash

“What a f**king arsehole.”

I heard that while coming from behind.

Now, now. I do not sneak up behind my team members. I stepped into the pantry [exactly] when Princess Isabelle was airing her issues to Dora.

They saw me. Gen Z Isabelle continued anyway. No greetings. She must be too agitated. Dora smiled. Sheepish. Embarrassed. I smiled back.

Then, I went to my favorite hangout in the pantry.

The trusty coffee machine.

I pretended not to listen.

But I couldn’t. Haha.

Alpha males, overbearing dominance, and lack of empathy. What did I miss?

I stood there waiting for my cup to be gradually darkened.

The sleek machine rumbled as coffee beans collided amongst themselves and then with streams of white.

As loud as it mumbled and tumbled, Isabelle was louder.



Aldric Chen
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.