The Introvert’s Paradox —Mastering Your ‘Social Anxiety’ With Creative Power

Using your creativity to unlock your true potential and go from awkward to awesome

DJ Hopkins
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Artwork by author DJ Hopkins

Are you one of those introverts who’s been keeping your creative abilities locked up in your mind?

Do you feel that being an introvert is like living in a self-imposed prison, unable to break free and unleash your full potential?

I’ve discovered that being creative can help us introverts break free from our shells and overcome our nature when we need to.

It’s a complete paradox.

That creativity you’ve been hiding away, can be the key to unlocking the door to freedom in this big wide world.

It can take you from awkward to awesome!

Creative Power — The ‘sword and shield’ for introverts

I’m sure you’re no stranger to the struggles that come with being an introvert.

The awkwardness around people, the dread of making small talk, and the never-ending pressure to face the world when all we really wanna do is cuddle up with our furry feline friends, and a bowl of snacks.



DJ Hopkins
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

The GenX Effect - Weirdness, Creativity, Music, Spiritual Awakening, Satire and Dodgy Humor | Interior Designer-Songwriter-Musician-Introvert