The Invisible Force That Holds Us

Look back

The Essentialist
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readMay 22, 2021


Imagine you just failed to achieve some goal. It can be anything, finishing a deadline, unable to accomplish your planned daily task, falling back to your old bad habits which indeed die-hard, or just failing to keep up with an ‘active’ routine during these times which you decided last night with full conviction that you will certainly stick to this time. Now you have two choices.

Either you can start listing all that was wrong which stopped you from achieving it i.e., the external factors, and promise yourself that you will again try tomorrow, right from the morning you will be a different person. Or you can take responsibility, see what choices you made, reflect within, examine, acknowledge, accept, and before sleep makes the same promise.

One is easy, and therefore common. The other is tough, and hence the road less travelled.

But What is that which is preventing us from making a better choice, from choosing the second option over the first? Can you see it?

Photo by Majestic Lukas on Unsplash


We all have experienced this force behind us, which to us, seems to be the reason why we aren’t as good as we should be, why we are incapable of giving our 100% in everything.

It’s not an ordinary chain that you are cuffed with, that has strangled you. For starters, it’s something that is very easily overlooked through naked eyes, in the blindness of ignorance. Hence Invisible. You can not deny its presence, since you can feel it.

But questioning it comes with the Uncertainty factor. Since you can’t see, you aren’t sure what exactly is it? And you definitely aren’t aware of what it is capable of.


Understand it like this. It’s similar to an electromagnetic force. What does an EMF want to exist? A current-carrying coil (Living Human Body) where you can change the magnetic flux (Change your attitude over time) and Boom! The force is induced. Now that force is strong, it is composed of a lot of small charges which adds up to make it stronger. It is not just holding you. Give it enough Ignorance and it will start pulling you away from where you want to be.

Even worse, it will start penetrating within, not just to the outer layer that physically holds you but the inner membrane of Potential. Once it gets there, it will start causing unnecessary vibration in that zone, completely making the system Unstable.


In the initial impression, this force is composed of everything we can put our blame on. Your situation, your family, your upbringing, your society, your lack of internet connectivity, or the excess of information due to its availability. Fucking everything you can evidently see. You know they have another name, they are also called excuses, something you give to cover the truth under the carpet.

We all know better, don’t we? It’s the ignorance of this fact that the force is invisible and the convincing afterwards that since you can’t see it, you can’t do anything about it. Your lack of ownership for your choices, your lack of acceptance that the often overlooked habit to choose what’s easy and comfortable is the reason you haven’t faced enough challenges and that’s why consequently, you haven’t grown that well.

The consistent tendency to doubt your self-confidence the moment you are faced up with challenges is a clear reflection of “How inexperienced you are to face challenges”. The habit of giving up on certain things and coming up with a philosophical explanation for them in the name of ‘Everything happens for good’ and “Being Optimistic”. No doubt it is a great quality to see the good in everything and being optimistically hopeful about the future, but it is equally important to be realistic at the same time.

The cultivated attitude of comparing yourself with others in every moment you find, to feel envy. If they have more, you will blame your circumstances. If they have less, you will tell yourself to be the same. But deep down, we gradually shift our focus, to the people who surround us. That’s because we aren’t certain about anything and we seek anything that can provide us that Certainty.

Yes, I knew about it. But…

Above all, this insane and obvious habit of gathering everything, knowing everything, all of this, and still doing the same thing all over again, like breaking out of a rat race only to find yourself trailing behind in another rat race of different rats and again start running.


Just like your Ego which is the back-end energy source of this force, the only thing this force is afraid of Recognition. It’s funny that we seek recognition outside, we look for validation from everything external. But the place where we should do it first lies within us. The Graph of Every eminent change is from Inside to Outside.

To recognize the force, to shed the light of consciousness onto it, you have started looking for it, where it is hiding. Mind you, it is capable to hide in plain sight, so be prepared to uncover some of the blankets of ignorance. But it all will start when you gather the courage and Look Back.

Looking back doesn’t mean look behind in the past here. As a fact, you can not find the Invisible force if you are in the ‘Past Mode.’ It’s just a reference to make you understand that to know what is there behind, you first have to look there with open eyes. The eyes shouldn’t contain any lens of judgment and preconceived beliefs. Look it the way it is there.

Look back, nothing is holding you back, nothing but yourself.

“Nothing is holding you back”. And the only way to discover that is to have the heart to look back, trust me you will find no one, but your own intrinsic impedance.

