The Joy of Little Things: The Power of Life’s Little Pleasures

Real joy comes from being in the present moment, which often consists of simple, everyday experiences

Nishith Goyal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Source: DALL.E 3

In a world constantly chasing bigger, better, and faster; we often overlook the essence of true satisfaction. Traditionally, satisfaction was measured by grand achievements – a successful career, financial stability, or significant milestones. But what if satisfaction lies in the simplicity of everyday life, in moments we often miss?

Traditional Perspective of Satisfaction

The conventional view associates satisfaction with tangible achievements. In Dale Carnegie’s classic, "How to Win Friends and Influence People," he suggests that satisfaction comes from personal and professional accomplishments. This view is echoed in many self-help and motivational books, where success and satisfaction are often intertwined.

And, probably, there was harm in following this approach to the T. The approach has helped us immensely in the past few decades.

But the modern world is becoming more modern now. We are going back to the roots. We, humans, are not only realizing the mistakes we made to ourselves and this planet but now are behind these things to amend and…



Nishith Goyal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author of two books, Creator - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Long-distance runner, diarist, Podcaster. Writes about Journaling, Self, and Positive Impact.