The Law of Attraction: Is It Truly Possible to Manifest Anything You Want?

Follow These Steps and See For Yourself

Jeremiah Givens
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Iñaki del Olmo on Unsplash

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

What would you say if I told you that our brains are transmitters and receivers of energy (this is scientifically proven, by the way) and that we are constantly broadcasting that energy throughout the universe every second of every day?

And what would you do if I told you that the law of attraction states that everything is energy, vibrating at a specific frequency, and things that vibrate at the same frequency attract one another?

This means at this moment, you are creating energy based on your current thoughts and feelings, and that energy is vibrating at a specific frequency.

The stronger and longer a vibrational frequency is held, the faster the universe will bring unexpected people, places, events, and circumstances into your life to match that frequency and reinforce your associated thoughts and feelings.

A few weeks ago, my girlfriend was scrolling through TikTok when she heard another creator recommend the audio “Your Wish Is



Jeremiah Givens
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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