The Life-Changing Impact of Taking a Beat Before You Speak

Maybe you don’t always need to chime in.

Mary Liga
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Highly charged emotions on everything from politics to diets can get us tangled up in squabbles we didn’t necessarily bargain for.

Leaving us thinking, “I should’ve just kept my mouth shut.”

“But I want to speak my truth”, you might think.

“People need my two cents on this issue”, you may surmise.

Sure. And if that matters to you, please, go right ahead.

But if you’re really seeking to have a peaceful life and focus on the things that matter, it might be worth considering doing more listening and less talking.

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

- Abraham Lincoln.

Try to tap into your internal viability scanner before you speak, and consider the following before those strong personal opinions come pouring out.

Is this good for me?

According to Shirley Vandersteen, Ph. D., speech influences your thinking and can alter the course of your future.



Mary Liga
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Margarita-loving copywriter, life coach, home design junkie, and host of The Badass Midlife Podcast.