The Madder They Make You, the More You Need to Love Them

Everything is either love or a call for love.

Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Ditto Bowo on Unsplash

Hurt people hurt people. ~Will Bowman

This thought just flashed through my head, so I wrote it down. It sounds like one of those paradoxical platitudes my former minister used to get in my face with. I did not appreciate it at the time.

Some lessons take a long time to learn.

When I resist a life lesson, here’s what happens. I get it thrown in my face over and over till I get it. Case in point:

I’m co-facilitating a church membership meeting. We’ve got a proposal for discussion — to add a conflict resolution process to our bylaws, which requires a ⅔ majority vote. Which I knew we had.

But at the eleventh hour, I mean the day before the meeting, one of our members emailed everybody suggesting we not put this in the bylaws but instead make it a P & P — policy and procedure.

That way, it can be changed without organizing a special meeting to get ⅔ of us to vote on it. That way, a committee of three to five people can change it.

We’ve been there, done that.

Whether it’s the Board of Directors or a committee like she proposed, the policy could be easily changed by a few…



Marilyn Flower
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?