The Most Crucial Thing to Look For in Relationships

Without this, your connections with others may end up making you worse off than better

Brooke Meredith
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


image by Bernard Hermant from

You will meet and interact with a lot of people throughout your life.

Hundreds in fact.

From day-to-day acquaintance interactions, colleagues, potential friends as well as friends of friends, family, romantic prospects, neighbors, the list goes on. And the vast majority of these will not be people to whom you grow close, or even further, come to love. Those will be few. This is what makes them noteworthy and special.

This is also why it’s especially important to select these special few with careful consideration and thought. And that includes the family members with whom you decide to create close connections with too.


With whom you surround yourself has a significant impact on numerous aspects of your life, including your happiness, your physical health, your accomplishments, and your emotional well-being.

There are a lot of wonderful people in this world. Good, inspiring, kind-hearted, capable of growth, open-minded, awesome people.

There are also a lot of people who fall on the opposite side of the spectrum. People who are…

