The One Secret to Gaining More Control Over Your Time

It’s easier than you think.

Ruth Matthews
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Arguably, time is the most finite resource we have. Every single second that passes means we have one less second to live our lives.

The thing is, you know you could be doing more. You know you’ve got it in your to write that novel, start that business or get in the best shape of your life.

You know everything you need to do, but you’re just missing one element of the equation:

Having enough time.

So you try to find the cheat code.

You get up 2 hours earlier and try to push yourself, tired and groggy, to do what you know you need to do. You give up a week later, not functioning due to sleep deprivation and burnout.

You devour self-help content preaching the most efficient way to do things and reach your goals. You try a few things, but nothing sticks.

You have a full-time job, kids, commitments. You’re busy spinning all these plates in your life. You can’t take on any new projects, no matter how much you want to.

You resign yourself to giving up on your dreams. You just don’t have enough time.



Ruth Matthews
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

On a mission to live true to myself. I write about creative non-conformity & self-love. Subscribe to my free weekly newsletter here: