The Only Resource More Valuable Than Time

It makes time almost irrelevant


Photo by Elena Koycheva on Unsplash

Without doubt, the most common excuse we hear today is, “I don’t have time.”

It is a phrase that gets recycled for many different reasons: it’s non-descriptive, it’s non-offensive, and it’s somewhat inarguable.

It’s a cop-out, honestly.

It’s an effective way to end the discussion about something because the other person who initially made the proposal is very unlikely to argue with you about exactly how much time you really have.

What’s interesting to me is how much emphasis we put on time. We make it out to be the ultimate deciding factor, as if we have no influence on it at all.

It’s partially true; you can’t add more time to the day as there are only 24 hours. However, you can choose how you use time.

This is exactly why time is not the most important factor, attention is.

Attention doesn’t involve some arbitrary amount of time, but it involves intensity and intention with the time you have. It’s like a dial that you can turn to intensify how much you commit to your available time.

The simplest example is this:

Tim Denning is a very well-known writer on this platform while I am not very…

