The Only Thing That Will Help You Heal According To Science

Plus how to get started today.

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This Is the Only Thing That Will Help You Heal According To Science
Image by Freepik

It’s been almost ten years since I began my healing journey. Looking back, I wish I had known this one crucial thing from the start:

Healing is about consistently making better choices until they become your new default.

The tiniest positive change has a huge impact when done every single day.

Everything you do is a habit.

Complaining, negative self-talk, judging, and blaming others — these are all habits.

But so are focusing on the good you already have, comforting yourself, positive thinking, taking responsibility, and choosing the present moment.

If you want to heal you have to change what you do repeatedly and here is the best tool to do so based on science.

The №1 tool to change your behavior

At my 9–5, I’m working with the best behavior change experts in the world to create solutions to help people live a more sustainable life.

We always look at the latest research and this meta-analysis of behavior change studies across different fields (environment, health, finance, etc.) concludes that:

the №1 thing you can…



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