The Path of Least Resistance

Why The Path of Least Resistance Is Never The Best Option

Terin Benavente
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


(Photo Credit: Pixabay)

There was a time in my life when I thought I knew it all. I am sure we all feel this way at one point in our lives, right? For me, it wasn’t until the pandemic began that life took on a whole new meaning. Gone were the days where I lived to thrive in the daily routine, never straying nor detouring from what feels comfortable. Yet, doing this hinders our life progression and the ability to appreciate all it has to offer. Lately, I have been thinking about the path of least resistance and what it truly means.

Turning Adversity Into Wisdom

As we age, we gain a significant amount of wisdom. Whether it be from life experiences, conversations with others, heartaches, happy times, or struggles, life has a way of pushing you forward (whether you like it or not.) For me, the biggest blessing in disguise was 2020, when time seemed to stand still. When life as we knew it changed forever. During this time, I felt helpless. Isolated from society and completely alone. For the first time in my life, I was scared of the unknown. It was then I knew I needed an outlet. Since I have never been a person to look to others for help, I began to write. I wrote and wrote and wrote. It was only then I re-discovered my one true passion; writing.



Terin Benavente
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author of "Getting it Right..or Wrong: Inspirational Stories on Life, Family, Health, and Wellness. Available online now at Barnes and Noble and Amazon Kindle.