The Poetry Of The Psyche

To discover the hidden treasures of the soul, poetry is the language we must use.

Ricky Derisz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


The ineffable is impossible to capture in language, yet poetry offers an attempt to translate. Merriam-Webster defines poetry as: “ writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm.”

The word poetic is a symbol for something of indescribable beauty or magnificence. Experiences that shake us to the core, move us in immeasurable ways, or simply catch us in a moment, suspended in time. Poetry speaks in states of wonder, awe, and fascination.

Disillusionment, disenchantment, material science, and apathy towards the divine strips the poetry from the cosmos and replaces it with mechanical means. Elegant verse replaced by flat prose. Imaginative translations of experience replaced by binary code.

The way we perceive the cosmos reflects the perception of the psyche, and vice versa. See the universe as mechanical and the human mind becomes a computer system. Linear, logical, tangible problems to be fixed.

But this is a disservice to the ineffable nature of the human soul. The psyche is elegance, and to discover the hidden treasures of the soul…



Ricky Derisz
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author. Podcast host. Creator of Free copy of my book Mindsets for Mindfulness 👉 It’s a bribe, but worth it.