Where does inspiration come from? Photo by Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

The Power of Promptings

There is no such thing as a coincidence.

Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readJun 20, 2021


Why are we prompted to do things?

Where do promptings come from?

Are they from God or something else?

Yesterday, unlike my normal routine, I woke up early and had a feeling I should walk our dog. It is summer so this seemed like a good idea to take the dog out before it got too hot. I usually wait and go with my wife, but she sprained her ankle the week before and I felt like I should let her sleep in.

I got Buddy up and he was more than happy to go with me. Buddy is a two-year-old Cavachon and full of energy. Below is a picture of him with my wife and daughter.

Our dog Buddy. Don’t you just want to pet him? Photo by Author.

I usually listen to a book while I walk but for some reason, I forgot my headphones. I was thinking about that as I turned the corner and headed down the street. As I walked, I heard small feet running down the pavement ahead of me. When I looked up, I saw a young girl around three years old running around the corner and up the street. I thought it odd that she would be by herself and was waiting for the rest of her family to come into view. No one came?



Leslie Pardew
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I am an artist, designer, author, and entrepreneur who has a few things to share about life, art and business.