The Reasons Why That Book Deserves a Second Chance

Chelsey Blake
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readNov 17, 2020


Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

Do you have a favorite book? If so, when did you discover that it was your favorite? Has it become nostalgic over time or is it a recent discovery? I love to read, but I didn’t always love it. In school, we had a certain number of books in various genres that we were required to read each year. I discovered that I enjoyed fiction and fantasy most, but I didn’t find as much joy in reading biographies or non-fiction books.

As I’ve aged and matured I’ve begun to understand the importance and role of most literary genres and do my best to cycle between them. Though I still fall back on modern fiction novels as a favorite, I supplement my reading with classic literature, foreign authors, and non-fiction books.

Over the years I’ve revisited various books that either I loved or have since forgotten the plot. For many, this is not a regular practice. I can’t count the number of friends who have shared with me that they typically read a book only once. At first, I was shocked by this revelation — did they know what they were missing? I began to understand how overwhelming it can feel to realize that there are so many books and so little time to engage each one. Though this is true I still enjoy revisiting my favorite stories and here is why.



Chelsey Blake
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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