The Reticular Activating System and Goal Setting

If you want it, your mind will help to get it

Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


“A man without a goal,” said Thomas Carlyle, “is like a ship without a rudder.”

If you lack a goal or purpose in your life you are no different than a ship without a rudder. The ship doesn’t know where it is going but still is sailing. It just keeps drifting around.

The same happens to us. If we don’t have a clear goal of what we want to be or where we want to be, we just keep on drifting around things here and there never going in a fixed direction.

I’ve mentioned the term ‘clear goal’ here. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is the clarity of their goals. The more clear and specific you are about your goals the better the odds of achieving them.

“I want to be a millionaire.” This is a fuzzy and unclear goal that you are unlikely to achieve.

“I want to make a million dollars in the next five years.” This is somehow a better goal but it can be made more clear and specific by narrowing it down.

The reason why you need to have a clear goal is linked with your brain. The human brain is a mystery and scientists are still experimenting to figure more about it.



Prakash Joshi Pax
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Avid Reader| Writer| Observer| On a journey to be a Better Self| If you follow, you will never feel hollow. Writings on PKM • Tools • Personal Growth • Money