The Role of the Developing Brain on Adolescent Mental Health

Why Are Teens So Impulsive?

Dr Nicole Randick
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Image from Pixabay by ElisaRiva

Over the past several decades, new research has emerged regarding the stereotypical adolescent years as full of turmoil, stress, and incompetence. Daniel Offer, psychiatrist and scholar, was one such researcher who found that most adolescents, although faced with challenges, were not experiencing extreme emotional turmoil and stress.

On the contrary, they were competent, adaptable, and appeared to be moving toward adulthood with optimism.

Despite this finding, adolescence is still a time with increased rates of mental health problems.

During adolescence, individuals develop their identities, form relationships, and face new challenges and responsibilities.

However, during this time, they may be more vulnerable to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse.

Adolescent mental health has several influences, including the environment, genetics, and social experiences. Research has revealed that all these variables act in context with the developing brain.

The Adolescent Brain

The adolescent brain undergoes significant changes during the teenage years. These changes can substantially…



Dr Nicole Randick
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Expressive Arts Therapist and Educator. Writing about psychology and the healing power of the expressive arts to promote mental health and wellness.