The Simple 40 Minute Morning Routine That Completely Changed My Life

A few simple practices were all it took to set me on a trajectory for success.

Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Almost one year ago, my life changed. It wasn’t a big, dramatic event that was the catalyst, nor a realization that my life was on the wrong path. To be honest, I didn’t even know that the path I was on was heading in a direction I didn’t want to go.

No, what changed my life was far more simple. I started a morning routine.

It’s true when they say small, micro efforts daily add up to huge results. I hardly changed anything — I was simply spending the first 40 minutes of my day in a different way. Little did I know this would set me on a completely different trajectory.


While I always knew meditation was good for me, I never practiced it. However, I figured if I was starting a morning routine I should probably add some meditation into it. So what better way to start this routine than with meditation? I started listening to guided meditations as soon as I woke up.

This practice allowed me to have a few minutes of purposeful silence before the chaos of the day took all silence away. It gave me a few minutes alone with my thoughts, the feelings in my body…



Ashley Richmond
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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