The Six Most Important Lessons I Have Learned About Life (So Far)

Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
4 min readFeb 9, 2021


by Guillermo Vidal | Feb 1, 2021 | Aging Well

Photo by Shifaz Abdul Hakkim on Un

Life is full of important lessons. I remember how proud I was when I learned to drive a car, balance a checkbook, change my babies’ diapers. But these pale in comparison to the importance that the following six lessons have meant to my life.

The “Big Six” (listed in no priority order)

1) We are all connected to a greater consciousness at work in the universe.

I get a little nervous mentioning God/Spirit/Higher Power because I have spent most of my life as a non-believer, yet I cannot emphasize enough how important it was to learn this lesson.

We can see the proof in the most basic human function, thinking. Have you ever wondered where your thoughts come from? Even the greatest surgeon cannot cut you open and find the source of your thoughts. Thoughts come from a dimension beyond our five senses. They emerge from a deep well of a creative, loving consciousness that is much larger than us. I can sense this connection in my writing where creative thoughts come through some mystical funnel from that Higher Source.



Guillermo Vidal
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author/Mentor/Septuagenerian. Showing you how to age better to create your best life. Follow me on YouTube@agingfearlessly-gvidal2917 and