The Spiritual Journey Is a Marathon

It’s a path that requires endurance.

Beth Bradford, Ph.D.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Candra Winata on Unsplash

One of the managers at work declared she wanted to run the Boston Marathon by the age of 30. She had done a little bit of research, knowing that she would have to qualify for it by running another marathon in three and a half hours. She did the calculations, which meant running the 26.2-mile distance at an 8-minute pace.

“I can run a mile in 8:30,” she said. “I can shave that down.”

I was slightly jealous because I knew my 10-minute training pace often broke down to a 10:30 pace in the marathon.

She asked if she could run with me. I told her that my pace was much slower than hers. She didn’t mind, she said. She just wanted to start training.

She met me at the trails and told me why she wanted to run Boston. She had seen a man who had a running jacket that said, “I’ve run Boston, have you?” She dreamed of wearing that jacket.

She followed common advice to reach her goals. She set a deadline for herself and told others who would hold her accountable. Now she was out on her first training run.



Beth Bradford, Ph.D.
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Former TV person, college professor and media researcher. Ironman triathlete, meditation teacher and yoga instructor.