The Struggle

Brandon Slesser
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readFeb 21, 2024
Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

Okay, truth time.

As most of you know I’m in a battle with Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma. So far things are going really good and everything is looking up. This Friday I have a PET scan to see how well the chemo is working. That’s not the purpose of this article though. The truth is, I’ve been having a hard time quitting smoking (both cigs and vapes). I know it should be easy, especially since I’m battling with cancer, but it’s not. If anything it has made it that much tougher. Recently I have been getting serious convictions that I really should try harder to quit. I have tried patches and gum with no luck. I still find myself falling back into my old and familiar ways. Guess that’s what it means to be human. I felt ashamed for a while with smoking because I felt like I was letting those that loved me down, but the fact of the matter was that I was letting myself down for allowing it to control me. So of course I did what most people do and turned to our old friend Google for help and it led me to a site called the CBQ Method. It’s a method that helps people who smoke overcome not just the physical part of smoking, but also the mental part of it. To be completely honest, the mental part is the hardest part to overcome. It’s the want to smoke rather than the need (even though the need is absolutely there.) When I got to this site I saw that there was a free webinar and I did what I felt was best and applied for it. The link below is where I found what I hope will be my biggest help in this struggle. It’s realizing that your real self is much stronger than the addicted self. Here is the sit in case anyone is curious.

Photo by Ian Chen on Unsplash

Addiction Is Real

There is a serious misconception that addiction is simply just a choice, and although that is true, addiction is a mental and physical sickness that we all have faced at some point in our lives. Addiction can come in a lot of forms and is a hard thing to crack. It is a debilitating issue that so many face and struggle to overcome. It takes lives and morphs people into versions of themselves that they have a hard time fighting. The good news is that it’s a battle that can be won. Creating the willpower within yourself is the first step and then it’s facing the fire. Having a good support system is key to battling addiction. It’s not something that a person can just do on their own, they need to an army beside them. Though The Struggle is real, so is the victory!

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash



Brandon Slesser
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Survivor. Fighter. Raw Thinker. I feel deep and my words are deeper. Florida boy who loves the sun and cold drink. Beach goer and speedo fanatic. I’m just me.