The Struggle of Self-Promotion: Why I’m My Own Worst Marketer

Atanas Shorgov
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by leandro fregoni on Unsplash

We’ve all been there — the paradox of being able to help others achieve their goals while struggling to promote ourselves. It’s like having a superpower that only works for everyone else but fizzles out when we try using it ourselves. So, why are we like this?

Let’s explore the quirky world of self-promotion and unravel the mystery behind our own marketing mishaps.

Bio? Nope.

Crafting a bio feels like trying to summarize an epic novel into a tweet. I’m torn between sounding impressive and staying humble. “World-changer, coffee enthusiast, Olympic diver, advertising genius and occasional unicorn whisperer” might be accurate, but it won’t fit in that tiny Instagram bio box.

So, I settle for “Human. Breathing. Sometimes funny.”

Writing a bio is like trying to describe a rollercoaster ride to someone who’s never seen one. Should we highlight our professional milestones or our love for cat memes? The struggle is real.

I overthink every word, trying to balance self-promotion with humility, often ending up with something so vague it might as well say, “I exist.”

The Elusive Website

