You’ve Read a Great Book! Now What?

Ashwini Sriram
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readSep 18, 2023


Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash

I’ve always been an avid reader, believing in the transformative power of books. Yet, as I journeyed through countless pages, I found my life largely unchanged. This conundrum led me to a profound realization, one that Maria Popova beautifully encapsulates:

“Information without transformation is merely trivia.”

It’s the application of what we’ve learned that truly matters.

Here are some practical steps to ensure that your reading leads to real change:

Reflect on What You Read

After finishing a book, take some time to reflect on its key messages. How do they apply to your life? What changes can you make based on what you’ve learned? For example, when I read Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, I was struck by his advice to “use your hands.”

He argues that working with your hands can help you unlock creativity in a way that purely intellectual work cannot. Reflecting on this, I realized that I had been spending most of my time in front of a computer screen, disconnected from the physical world. Inspired by Kleon’s words, I decided to make a change.

I started setting aside time each week for activities that required me to use my hands — cooking, gardening, even doodling. This not…



Ashwini Sriram
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Technology leader from Chennai living and writing in San Francisco.