The Unbearable Repetition of Spiritual Writing

Recycling, regurgitation, and borderline plagiarism are rampant, and we need to do better.


Photo by Matt Artz on Unsplash

Fair warning — the thesis of this piece is meant to be controversial: A large portion of spiritual writing on this platform is stuck in a cycle of repeating the same ideas, and, at times, borders on (if not crosses the line into) plagiarism.

This has not been an easy article to write, but after nearly 3 years of publishing on Medium, I felt it needed to be said. If spiritual writing is meant to contribute to humanity’s development, we must be willing to examine our blind spots and the ways that we replicate older forms of consciousness even when we claim to be operating in a more enlightened or loving manner.

Some readers may take offense at what follows. Others may dismiss my arguments as a rant. I don’t adhere to the view that all spiritual writing must be cheery and upbeat. Love isn’t always tender, and compassion isn’t always comforting.


How many articles do you come across in a given day on Medium that offer you spiritual platitudes like:

  • What you focus on, you attract, so change your thoughts and set new intentions to change your life; or,



Patrick Paul Garlinger
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Author of Endless Awakening: Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment and other books. Former prof & lawyer, now mystic, writer, intuitive.