The Vibration Hierarchy of Feelings

Rose Goldberg
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
5 min readAug 12, 2020


I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase “misfortunes never come alone” at least once during our lives, but have you ever wondered how that translates into the spiritual side of emotion?

Image source: Luis Galvez on Unsplash.

It is important that we first note what the vibration of feelings means.

To begin with the basics, science has taught us that everything is made of atoms, which are in turn made of subatomic particles, and those vibrate at certain frequencies, continually.

The implication of that is the fact that everything has a vibration. Not only objects! It’s been proven that our thoughts and feelings produce energy, which is intrinsically vibrating.

Now let’s get into the fun: the vibrations of our emotions and what it means.

In the spiritual world, the consensus is that higher vibrations are associated with typically positive feelings and emotions, such as happiness, joy, excitement, peace. That would mean that typically negative feelings, such as fear, anger, shame, and frustration would be associated with lower vibrations.

I use the word “typically” because that good/bad duality is created by us, as observers. The universe is neutral and it doesn’t consciously make the difference between what is good or bad, only we attribute it that meaning depending on our circumstances and beliefs.

