These 5 Life-Changing Books Are Worth Every Minute of Your Time

Every single one can get through to you.

Eva Keiffenheim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


These days, a lot of people focus on reading a specific number of books a year.

Yet, there’s a big fallacy in the quantification of reading. Mortimer J. Adler, an American philosopher, recognized this thinking error as early as 1940 when he wrote:

“In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.”

Not all books are created equal, and most of the books on our want-to-read lists are not worth our time. I know because in the +170 books I read since 2017, most were mediocre.

What follows is a collection of five cherry-picked, timeless masterpieces that are worth every minute of your time. Every single one holds the potential to get through to you.

Viktor Frankl — Man’s Search for Meaning

This one is tough to handle. But if you manage to get through the lines of cruel reality in German concentration camps, you’ll pick up incredible life lessons.



Eva Keiffenheim
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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